African Wildlife List, Facts, Conservation Status, & Pictures

African wildlife is diverse and abundant, ranging from big cats to birds and small mammals.
The African jungles are home to lions, elephants, cheetahs, giraffes, zebras, wildebeest, hippos and many other animals.
African animals include some iconic species in the world, such as elephants and lions.
They are not only interesting to observe but also important for maintaining healthy ecosystems for the millions to survive in.
There is more to different animal species in Africa as you will find in this piece. Before that, here is how you can book our safari and our most booked packages.
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The Big Five African Animals
The big 5 African animals are the elephant, lion, leopard, cape buffalo and rhinoceros.
These 5 animals are some of the most iconic African wildlife species and can be found in many safaris in Africa.
African Lion
The lion is the African king of the jungle and is easily distinguishable by its majestic mane.
They’re territorial animals with males leading the pride of females and young cubs.
The lions are opportunistic hunters and feed on antelope, zebra, wildebeest and other animals.
Opportunistically, they may hunt livestock and humans, particularly when wild animals are scarce.
African lions have been immortalized in books, TV shows, movies, and wildlife pictures.
Where to Find the African Lion
They can be seen in the African savannahs and jungles.
Lions inhabit open woodlands, but they prefer areas where there is a plentiful supply of African animals for them to hunt.
You can find them in Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, and Tanzania.
African Leopard
The leopard is a striking wild animal and one of Africa’s most mysterious animals.
They have black spots on their tawny fur and are very shy, making them difficult to spot in African wildlife pictures.
The leopards have a diverse diet of African animals like antelope, wild boar and smaller mammals like bushbabies, hares and rodents.
Where to Find the African Leopard
They are seen in a variety of habitats, including dense jungle vegetation, dry savannahs and semi-desert areas.
Leopards live in a wide range of countries, including Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, South Africa, and Tanzania.
African Elephant
One of the most iconic African wildlife species is the Elephant.
Found across Africa’s savanna and forests, they’re the world’s largest land animal and are renowned for their majestic size and strength.
The elephant can reach up to 13 feet in height and live up to 70 years in the wild.
These giants play an important role in ecosystems, acting as ‘ecosystem engineers’, distributing and dispersing the seeds of many African trees across the African Savannah.
Although African Elephants are famously portrayed as gentle giants, they can be shy when it comes to human contact.
They will typically try to avoid humans and are most active in the African mornings and evenings.

Where to Find the African Elephant
They can be seen in African countries such as South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Namibia.
In these countries, elephant populations are most dense in protected game reserves, national parks and other remote wilderness areas.
African Buffalo – Cape Buffalo
African Buffalo is one of the largest African mammals and is a keystone species of wildlife in the continent.
It is a large bovine, weighing up to 700 kg and ranging in color from dark brown to black.
They can be seen in large herds, and they’re very social animals.
The buffalos feed mainly on grasses and shrubs, but also scavenge for carrion and grains.
Buffalos are the primary prey of African lions, and they’re also hunted by other predators such as leopards, hyenas, and African wild dogs.
These animals possess impressive horns that are used for defense against predators as well as during courtship and fighting between males.
Where to Find the African Buffalo
The buffaloes are found throughout sub-Saharan Africa & live in different habitats, including grasslands, savannas, woodland areas, and rainforests.
They are present in many different African countries, such as South Africa, Namibia, Zambia and Kenya.
African Rhinoceros
African rhinoceros is one of the most iconic African animals and is a keystone species in wildlife.
Rhinos are the second largest land mammals and can weigh up to 5,000 pounds.
They have two horns on their snout, the longest of which can reach up to 5 feet in length.
The rhinos are known for their thick gray skin and long life span.
They feed mostly on leaves, grasses, fruits, and shoots.
The rhinos communicate with one another through a complex system of vocalizations, postures, and scents.
African rhinos are under threat from habitat destruction and poaching.
These animals are hunted for their horns, which have been used in traditional Chinese medicine or as decorative items.
Rhinos are also threatened by human-wildlife conflict as they sometimes wander into agricultural areas in search of food.
Where to Find the African Rhinos
They can be seen in more than 20 countries in East and Southern Africa regions, including Botswana, Namibia, Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa.
Rhinos inhabit grasslands, savannas and woodlands throughout the African continent.

The Big Cat African Animals
The cats are some of the most majestic creatures in Africa.
Lions, cheetahs, and leopards are all part of big cat species in this continent.
African Lion
The lion is the second largest living cat in the world. They’re highly social animals that live together in prides of up to 30 individuals.
African Leopard
The leopard is one of the African species that is known for its stealth, strength and beauty.
Native to Africa, it can be seen in a variety of habitats, from jungles and forests to grasslands.
They’re solitary animals who hunt on their own, typically at night.
The leopards are easily recognized by their spotted coat, which can range from golden yellow to deep black.
Leopard has an impressive strength and agility that allows it to be a successful hunter.
It often climbs trees in order to track and ambush its prey from above, or will stealthily stalk its intended meal.
They have also been known to take down animals much larger than itself, such as buffalos or antelopes.
Leopards are an iconic species of Africa, and their beauty is captured in many wildlife photographs.
Their spotted coats and powerful bodies make them a symbol of wilderness East and Southern Africa & a reminder of the importance of preserving wildlife.
Where to Find the African Leopard
Africa is home to leopards in countries such as Botswana, Tanzania, Kenya, as well as in South Africa.
They prefer dense vegetation and rocky areas for their habitat.
African Cheetah
The cheetah is one of African wildlife’s most formidable predators. These cats are built for speed and agility.
They can reach speeds of up to 70 miles per hour, making them the fastest land animal in the world.
Cheetahs have striking yellow eyes, tan fur with black spots, and a slender body.
Their long legs are perfectly adapted to running and their non-retractable claws give them traction when they take off.
These animals are mainly nocturnal, spending the majority of their day sleeping in the shade and hunting at dusk and dawn.
They mainly feed on African gazelles, impalas, wildebeest calves, and other small to medium-sized animals.
Where to Find the African Cheetah
Cheetahs can be seen in savannas, grasslands, and open woodlands across the African continent.
They can also be found in wildlife parks and conservation areas where they’re protected from poachers who hunt them for their fur.
They’re also well represented in zoos and animal sanctuaries, which provide an important educational opportunity for learning about African wildlife.
Some countries you can find the cheetah during your safari include Kenya, South Africa, and Tanzania.

Top Carnivorous of the Continent – Carnivorous Found in Africa
Africa is diverse and full of majestic creatures. Among them, carnivorous animals capture the imagination with their strength and beauty.
Here are some carnivores that you will find on the continent.
African Lions
Lions are considered to be one of the most powerful predators in the world.
They are well-known for their majestic mane and often hunt together as a pride.
African Leopards
Leopards can be seen in a range of habitats, from the African savannah to African rainforests.
They’re renowned for their grace and speed, allowing them to take down even the biggest prey.
African Cheetah
Cheetahs are the fastest land animal in the world. They can reach speeds of up to 75 kilometers per hour and are known for their majestic spotted coats.
African Wild Dogs
Wild dogs are one of the most social carnivorous animals in Africa. They can often be present in packs, hunting together and taking down even the biggest prey.
Where to Find the Wild Dogs
Wild dogs can be seen in different habitats, from thick African forests to open grasslands.
They’re quite common in wildlife reserves and national parks in countries such as South Africa, Namibia, Kenya and Botswana.
African Hyenas
Hyenas are known for their strength and intelligence. They’re renowned scavengers, but they also hunt on their own and in packs.
Where to Find the Hyenas
You can find the hyenas in wildlife habitats, including the savannas and jungles.
These animals are mainly found in national parks and reserves in countries like Kenya, Botswana, South Africa & Tanzania.

African Wild Cats
Wild cats are the smallest African carnivore. They are active at night and can often be found in scrubby habitats.
Where to Find the Wild Cats
During the tours of Africa, wild cats have been found in places such as the savannas, jungles, as well as hills.
You can find them in national parks of countries including South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania.
African Civet
Civets are nocturnal animals, usually found in grassy woodlands. They prey on small mammals, birds and reptiles.
Where to Find the Civet
Which are the common places to find the civet? You will find them in national parks in South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania.
African Golden Cat
Golden Cats are native to African rainforests. They have a unique coat with golden markings and are considered one of the most secretive African carnivores.
Where to Find the Golden Cat
Golden cats can be seen in rainforests, usually at higher elevations. They’re protected by national parks in countries such as Zambia, Zimbabwe, as well as Tanzania.
Saharan Cheetah
Cheetahs living in the Sahara desert have adapted to the harsh conditions of their environment. They hunt in packs and can even take down large prey such as gazelle.
Where to Find the Saharan Cheetah
Saharan cheetahs are mainly found in the deserts, such as the Sahara desert. They are present in national parks in countries such as Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.
African Jackal
Jackals are present in a variety of African habitats. They have strong jaws and sharp teeth, making them adept hunters.
There are four species of jackals in the world: the African golden, black-backed, side-striped and silver jackals.
Where to Find the Jackal
Africa is home to the four species of jackals. They’re usually found in national parks in places such as North Africa, Ethiopia and Kenya.
African Mongoose
Mongooses are small, agile carnivores that inhabit African grasslands and forests. They feed on a wide range of prey, including snakes and rodents.
Where to Find the Mongoose
Africa is home to a variety of mongooses. They can be found in national parks and wildlife reserves in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe.

Top Herbivores Animals in Africa
The jungles of Africa are full of herbivores, wild animals that feed on plants instead of meat. Here is a list of the top herbivores found in Africa:
The elephant is the largest land mammal in the world and is found in many African countries. They’re an important part of the wildlife in Africa, as they have an important role in the ecosystem.
Elephants are the world’s largest mammals and you can find dozens of elephant 3D Google images taken during a safari online.
Giraffes are known for their long necks, and they can be seen in many countries in Africa. They are herbivores that feed mainly on grass and leaves, but can also eat other vegetation such as fruit.
Giraffes are quite common when you look at pictures of animals in Africa online.
Cape Buffaloes
Buffaloes are present in countries such as Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. They’re herbivores that primarily feed on grasses and shrubs.
Buffaloes can also be seen in 3D African animal pictures, as they have a very impressive appearance.
Zebras are herbivores that can be seen in many countries like Kenya, Tanzania, and in South Africa. They have a very unique striping pattern, which helps them camouflage in the savanna.
Zebras are also known for their strong social bonds, which is why they often live in herds of hundreds of animals. You can’t miss them when you look for pictures of animals from Africa online.
Antelopes are another type of wild animal in the world that feeds on grass, leaves, and even thorns. These animals are known for their long horns and beautiful fur, which makes them very popular African animals to see in pictures.
Antelopes are also very shy animals, so it can be difficult to get a glimpse of them in the wild. They’re often mentioned when talking about shy animals’ names.
Hippos are large herbivores that live in rivers and lakes. They’re very territorial, so they can be aggressive when encountered in the African wild.
These animals are known for their huge mouths, which make them look quite intimidating in Africa jungle animals pictures.
Warthogs are herbivores that live in countries like Kenya and Tanzania. They have a unique look, with their tusks and warts on their faces.
These wild animals in the world are also known for their playful nature, which makes them popular animals to observe during a safari.

Amazing African Wildlife: Primates
The big five and the big cat are not the only wildlife people come to see in Africa. Travels also come to see the primates as a part of their safari. They include:
These gentle giants can be seen in the jungle, and they live in troops of up to 30 members. They’re vegetarian and have a peaceful lifestyle.
Chimpanzees are common wild animals from Africa & are known for their intelligence, using tools and even having specialized tool kits.
They live in rainforests and form large communities of up to 150 individuals.
These primates are found in savannas and open woodlands. They live in troops of up to 100 individuals, and are known for their loud calls and aggressive behaviors.
Colobus Monkeys
They live in African rainforests, and are known for their distinctive white coats and long, flowing tails. They live in troops of up to 30 individuals, and are mainly vegetarian.
Vervet Monkeys
Vervet Monkeys are found in open woodlands and savannas, and they live in troops of up to 50 individuals. They are known for their distinctive black faces, gray bodies, and usually appear on lists of animals with tails.

The Top Antelopes in the Continent
The African continent is home to dozens of antelope species, some of which are the tallest and biggest animals in the world. Here are among the most impressive African antelopes:
Giant Elands
Giants Elands are one of the largest antelope species, usually weighing up to 1.3 tonnes! These animals can be found in African Savannahs, and they have distinctive spiral-shaped horns.
Impala are seen in savannas and woodlands, known for their leaping abilities. These animals have a distinctive reddish-brown fur and curved horns, which makes them very popular African animals to see in pictures.
Bushbucks can be found in African forests. They have a distinctive white patch on their neck and short horns, which helps them blend in with the foliage.
Klipspringers are found in rocky hills and mountains. They have a distinctive rock-climbing ability, which helps them navigate their rocky habitats.
They also have a unique appearance, with long horns and spotted fur.
Dik-diks are residents in savannas and grasslands. They have a distinctive pointed snout and small size, which makes them one of the shyest African animals.
Waterbucks are available in African wetlands and marshes. They have a distinctive white ring around their tails, which helps them stay camouflaged from potential predators.

Top Animals of Africa: Reptiles
African wild animals come in all shapes and sizes – reptiles, mammals, birds and even insects – each with their own unique characteristics. Some of the reptiles you can find include:
Chameleons are fascinating reptiles. Their ability to change color makes them stand out in the wild and they can be found across much of the continent.
Rock Python
The Rock Python is one of the most impressive reptiles you will find in the world and can reach lengths of up to 5 meters. It is a constrictor snake and kills its prey by squeezing it tightly until it can no longer breathe.
Nile Crocodiles
Crocodiles are present in rivers and lakes across much of Africa. They can reach lengths of up to 6 meters. It is important to give these reptiles a wide berth as they can become dangerous when threatened.
Monitor Lizards
Monitor lizards are residents in a range of habitats and are among the largest reptiles in Africa, with some species reaching lengths of up to 2 meters. They’re agile, strong and an impressive sight in the African wild.
Tortoises are well-known reptiles and can be seen across much of the African continent. They vary in size, with some reaching lengths of up to 2 meters.
They are important animals in African ecosystems, feeding on grasses and helping to spread seeds.
Geckos are small reptiles which are present across much of Africa. They’re nocturnal and feed on insects and other small invertebrates.
They come in a range of colors and patterns, making them even more interesting wildlife.
African Agamas
Agamas are small reptiles which can be found across much of this continent. They are colorful lizards with bright blue and red patterns, making them attractive African wildlife.
African Agamas can reach lengths of up to 50 cm.

The Top Birds of Africa
Animals are not the only wildlife you will be in Africa as there are thousands of birds. It is home to the world’s biggest collection of large and small birds, giving bird lovers an experience of a lifetime. They include:
Fish Eagle
Fish Eagle is the national bird of Zimbabwe and can be seen across much of Africa. It has a distinctive call and is a large bird of prey, with a wingspan of up to 2 meters.
Grey Parrot
Grey Parrot is one of the most recognizable African birds. It has a distinctive gray colouration, red tail and white face.
Jacana is a small wading bird which can be found across much of the continent. It has long legs and feet which it uses to walk on floating vegetation.
Mourning Dove
Mourning Dove is a common and widespread bird in Africa. It has a distinctive call and is found in a range of habitats including open grasslands and savannahs.
Openbill Stork
Openbill Stork is a large wading bird which can be seen across Africa. It comes with a distinctive bill and feeds on amphibians, reptiles and insects.
Sacred Ibis
Sacred Ibis is a large wading bird which can be found across much of Africa. It is an impressive sight with its white and black feathers.
Spoonbill is a large wading bird also found across Africa. It has a distinctive spoon-shaped bill and feeds on small animals such as fish, frogs and insects.
Crowned Crane
Crowned Crane is a large and majestic African bird. It has bright colors and a distinctive call which can be heard over the African savannah.
Ostrich is the world’s largest bird and can be seen across the continent. It features a distinctive long neck, long legs and large wings. It mainly feeds on plants and can run very fast.
Secretary bird
Secretary Bird is a large and distinctive African bird which can be found across much of Africa. It has long legs, a black and white patterned body and a distinctive crest.
It feeds on small animals such as rodents, reptiles and insects.
Vulture is a large bird of prey found across the continent. It has a distinctive bald head and white feathers and feeds on carrion.
Vultures are important scavengers, helping to keep African ecosystems healthy and balanced.

FAQs of Wildlife in Africa
Below are some frequently asked questions about wildlife in Africa and answers.
1. What type of wild animals are found in Africa?
You can find a wide variety of wild animals including lions, cheetahs, elephants, buffalos, zebras, giraffes, rhinoceros, hippopotamuses, wildebeest and many more.
2. What are 10 animals that only live in Africa?
The number of the endemic animals found in Africa is high, but the common ones are African wild dog, African elephant, African leopard, African cheetah, African lion, African buffalo, African crowned crane, African sacred ibis, African spoonbill and African ostrich.
3. What are the top 5 African animals?
The top 5 African animals are African elephant, African lion, African buffalo, African leopard and African wild dog.
4. How many wild animals are in Africa?
It is estimated that there are over 1 million wild animals in Africa, including mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians.
5. Which animal is shy?
Many animals can be shy, including deer, foxes, rabbits and squirrels. Some African animals that are known to be shy include African wild dogs, African cheetah and African lion.
6. Which African animals have tails?
Animals in Africa with tails include African wild dog, African elephant, African leopard, African cheetah, African lion, African buffalo and African giraffe.
7. What are little animals with long tails?
Some African animals with long tails include African mongoose, African hare, African ground squirrel and African gerbil.